So it has been a year (well, 15 months, now...) A VERY BUSY year. I was going to post on my due date which was the 26th of March 2008, but I started to go into labour that night. Early labour - nothing to crazy. I called the midwives and the doula around 11pm to give them the heads-up. I had the doula come over shortly after because I was getting nervous. She slept in the other room until early in the morning when things started rolling. She called the midwives and they came to check me. I was in agony, but only at 1cm. My dear son was punching my cervix with his very able little hand. I only wanted to be on the bathroom floor. Moving was no good for me - I needed the safety and sturdiness of a floor. The bathroom floor was cool and comforting - but tight for a birthing mama, a doula and a midwife and her student. Miss b and papa hung out in the living room and made a welcome banner. She was very calm through the whole process. I remember her coming in a few times and stroking me gently. She listened from downstairs for my sounds changing. I was LOUD and VERY FOUL MOUTHED. It hurt alot and I tend to panic. We used lots of homeopathy and it calmed me. Through transition I moved back to bed. I didn't want to lie down anymore, and the cold floor wasn't doing it's job. I found the word "out" and used it frequently. He came rather quickly after transition - only 15 minutes of pushing. The back-up midwife made it just at the end. My boy got stuck just past the shoulders, which is unusual (they usually just slither out). The student asked if she could pull him, and he came out with a tug. He was a very big, chubby boy. The biggest cheeks you can imagine. 9.5 pounds of him birthed at home without any drugs. Oh my!
