I'll start from where I left off - The Craft Shows. Well, they didn't go so well. The first one (at the Midwives) was busy, but not a lot of buyers. The second one (at Roundhouse) was quiet as it was a snow day. I got lots of compliments on the hats, but not any buyers. I did sell most of my Sweatergans (adult sweaters and turtle necks altered into cardigans), which felt good. All in all, it was disappointing and I learned that I don't like doing craft shows. It seemed like such a waste of time to sit there and smile at people going by. I'll just post things online from now on. Etsy will be the only place to buy the hats (or whatever else I end up creating).
Next is Christmas!

I could go into all the family politics of Christmas, but I'll just leave it at the beautiful tree.
Happy New Year!

Since the new year began (and a bit before, over Christmas) I have been in nesting mode. Projects are getting finished, and hopefully more space is being made. I went through my fabric box and took out the things I knew had real projects attached. I kept some of my favorite fabrics for future projects, and the rest was donated. I attacked my wool too. Anything that was not "wool" was discarded. I used up left over balls of cotton to make these bibs (inspired by Anna):

I used up my two bags of felted sweaters to make bum sweaters for the baby and Miss B. A sample:

The left overs went into making Caterpillars:

The Caterpillar idea started as a toy for the baby, but I had so many scraps that I brought some to the Homelearner's drop-in and we made some there. Miss B made her own and she was so proud! There were still some left overs from that so I made a whole bunch of them, some of which were kept and some we gifted to friends.
I have really enjoyed the purging. I am happy to see things organized and the excess given new homes. Don't get me wrong, my house is not ready for the baby yet. There are still piles of projects that need to get done in the next two months. Diapers need to be made. A bag needs a handle. Diaper covers need to be finished and lanolized. Baby carriers need to be designed.
It will get done, it must!!!
I have been knitting too. I made a kimono sweater and hat (quite awhile ago - in the early fall):

And (more recently) my first pair of longies (thanks to Anna again!):

I bought a whole bunch of new wool at the Three Bags Full belated Boxing Day Sale to make more longies and soakers. That sale was INSANE! I went just as the store opened and within minutes the store was packed. I waited in the line to pay for 2 hours. There were some fun ladies around me and we chatted to make the time pass. I didn't think I'd make it as I started getting dizzy at 1.5 hours. Pregnant people should not be made to wait 2 hours standing. I sat on the floor for most of the rest of the wait.
My big project this last weekend was dyeing. I was given a whole whack of Motherease diapers from my dear friend Lisa. And I was inspired by my neighbour Jennifer who dyed her diapers in some bright jewel tones. Here are the spectacular results:
I can't wait to use them. They are so pretty! But I will have to wait until the summer, at least, as they are medium sized diapers and will not fit a newborn bum. I have some Indian prefolds on order for the newborn stage, but I am going to leave them the natural brown-ish colour.
I threw into the dye pots some of Miss B's old baby clothes that were too nice to sell/donate and too pink for a boy, but the results were not so spectacular. Most of the clothes turned out blotchy - which makes no sense because the diapers turned out great. Who knows? I don't dye as the science it can be - I just do it and hope for the best.
Here is another of my new obsessions - iron-ons. I found these odd pieces at a craft surplus store and made t-shirts for husband and baby:

I enjoyed it so much that I went back to the store and bought out everything I could so that I can decorate some of the boring boy shirts and pjs that I have for the baby. Who doesn't want a reflective baby?
And this iron-on came from a promo pack from husband's ex-work. It feels weird to promote a company, but the logo is small and the picture is so cute. The whole family has Fruitabu t-shirts now. This is for the baby:

And blankets. Blankets galore!!!
This quilt I made awhile ago, but forgot to post it. It was dreamed up when I was a teenager. I saved all my flannel pj's (and a floral duvet cover) to sew into a quilt one day. One day turned into many years and I finally just sat down and did it. It is not perfect. The lines are not straight. A few of the squares frayed in the wash and I had to put more patches on top. But it is so warm and girly. My special couch blanket:

I have another long-lost quilt that I am going to finish. I started it my second year of university when I was a tour guide at London Farm Heritage House in Richmond. I was dressed in Victorian costume, so I could easily get away with cross-stitching in quiet times. I made 9 pictures from the story of Peter Rabbit. I sewed the patches together with crazy vegetable fabrics. I started hand stitching the quilted parts and then stopped. I think I stopped because the edges weren't finished and the creeping polyfil was driving my crazy. Also, hand quilting is not quick or fun or easy. I finally bought some satin blanket edging and finished the edges (which are also not perfect, but I really had no idea how to do it and just winged it). And now I have 10 squares to hand quilt. I will do it!!!! But this is not a baby blanket. Too much work went into this. I think it might hang on the kid's bedroom wall. I'll give you a sneak peak:
Notice the cat hairs? That is another thing that bugs me. I needed to get the edging on so that I could wash it. Three moves and many years of cats sitting on it have taken their toll.
Here is a blankets for the baby that I whipped together from my fabric stash:

The jungle side came from my mom. I am not sure if it is vintage or not. I think she got it at a garage sale or a thrift store. The floral side is a vintage sheet from our co-op share closet that has been very useful. It is the backing for this blanket and the interior for the bag I made (which is not finished yet). It also made a few bean bags and there are left overs for future projects.
One last thing - the nursing pillow. I followed the only pattern I could find from the internet but it sucked. It made a VERY LARGE pillow. Me and my daughter can fit inside it. The nice thing about its size is that it can be stretched a bit. I'm hoping it will still work as a nursing pillow, but right now is it much loved as a pillow on the couch. The cats make nests in it, and so does Miss B. It is great back support for me at this stage of the pregnancy. I packed it pretty full, using the wool I had processed last summer. Not the nice slivered grey wool, but the white wool that had too much vegetative matter to process into slivers. I used up all the white wool filling this pillow and refilling all the couch pillows. They are now so firm and warm. Wool makes such a difference. Never poly again!

The only reason this post was possible today was because of the snow day. Snow makes me happy! It gives me energy. And the light is so beautiful I was inspired to take pictures of the things I have made. Miss B burned off some beans playing outside and now I can post. Happy Snow Day!!!!