Sunday, June 02, 2013

2. In Your Home

Sew Caroline's Handmade Summer

2. In Your Home

For my birthday, my lovely cousin-in-law gave me a pot of gorgeous succulents.  She said they could be outside, so I put them on my deck.  This was a mistake because all the little local birds ate them!!!  Little buggers....  There were two plants that made it out alive, but with a few beak marks.  They looked sad in the planter all alone so I thought I should replant them - and bring them inside so that the birds don't snack on them.

I had some coffee cups from Ikea that I was going to re-home, but they came in handy for my little succulents.  I separated the remaining plants into six little bunches.  I put about an inch of gravel in the bottoms of the cup in case that I overwater, which I tend to do.  Then I planted the little succulents.  Easy Peasy.  And very cute all in a row on my windowsill.

Join us for a handmande summer!

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