Thursday, August 08, 2013


I seem to have been absent for a bit, again.  I kind of lost my motivation with the month of craftiness.  I feel bad when I can't keep up; when life takes over and I can't finish the things I hoped to complete.  When I'm not perfect, I freeze.

Around the same time of this guilt/panic attack, I attended a night of motivational speakers with a dear friend of mine.  The series is called Sparkfly. The evenings entail two creative Vancouver women telling their inspirational stories to an intimate group of gals.  It was held at the now closed Little Nest.  We settled into listening to the first lady but I found her catch phrases really hard to relate to - I wasn't inspired.  Yummy pastries and tea were served in-between speakers and we each decorated a stone with words/drawings to share with another attendee.  The second speaker came up and sat down with us.  She really touched my heart.  Her personal stories made sense to me and I took away this from her musings: you have something unique and special to share with the world and no one can tell you how to do that.  Did you hear that? NO ONE can tell you how to be you.  Hallelujah!  Why was I stressing about the list of homemade things I needed to do just because someone made up a list?  The list is meant to be inspirational, but why do I have to do them when they tell me to?  I've never really been a follow-the-rules kind of person anyway, so why should I do it now?

This realization made me think about my blog.  Despite the fact that I love blogs that post regularly, I have decided that on this blog you may never see a regular feature - no Throw back Thursday, no Wordless Wednesdays.  I'll post here and there when I document something that I did that I think is pretty cool.  It won't be everyday.  Hopefully it will be at least once a week.  When I am inspired, you will hear from me.  And this is okay!

Am I doing this blog to become famous?  Certainly not.  I want to document and share the things we do at home and share them with friends.  I do hope to make a few new friends who have similar interests, and it is already happening!

Oh, and the inspirational stone we were to choose from the bowl on our way out the door?  This is the one that landed in my hand:

Fail gloriously.

Yes indeed.  I failed gloriously and I am picking myself up off the floor and I will start again. And again.  And again.

I'm currently healing from a nasty fall about eight weeks ago that left me with a dislocated shoulder, but I am getting back to my regular activities.  I can still knit.  Sewing isn't easy, but I am drawn to it again as the piles of clutter in my house are being put back in order.  Summer is half over and school will be starting again.  This fall I will have two kids in school full time.  This will leave me with six hours everyday that I can devote to the things I love to do that I haven't had time to do.  I might even look for work that can be done during school hours.  Lots of change is on the horizon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for this post- this is a great reminder to march to the beat of your own drummer! I need to stop worrying about what everyone thinks all the time!